
Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Miyao Brothers are COMING!

Unless you've been living under a rock there has been much chatter on social media groups about the two phenomenal Japanese/Brazilian twins finally making their move to the United States.  A new gym in New York City known as Unity Jiu-Jitsu is very close to opening their academy.  From what I have gathered Murilo Santana will be running the gym and of course the bolo twins of Joao and Paulo Miyao will be training and possibly teaching to some degree.  It sounds like the intent of this move is for them to re-focus their training in the Big Apple and capture some World Championships at the Black Belt level.  They have spent a great deal of training during their time in Jiu-Jitsu under the banner of Cicero Costha which is also well known for developing the talents of Leandro Lo.

Pretty exciting stuff right?!  If you don't know where these talented brothers come from then take a minute to watch this excellent piece by BJJ Hacks which focuses on training at Cicero Costha gym.  I know quite a few local competitors that have recently visited the Sao Paulo gym for some training. It's a different world training in Brazil I can promise you that much.

Link for mobile users:
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Murilo Santana vs Lucas Leite (Nogi Worlds 2013)
Link for mobile users:

New York City is just packed with some talented schools you could takes weeks of vacation to visit all of them.  Off the top of my head there is Marcelo Garcia Academy, Renzo Gracie, Vitor Shaolin, and the addition of Unity Jiu-Jitsu is just amazing as there are all fairly close in proximity.  There are many other schools already in the just can't go wrong picking a school or selecting a few to drop-in for some training.  I could easily exhaust my vacation days for 2015 trying any of these schools and not get to nearly all of them.  
