
Monday, January 28, 2013

Post 2013 European Championships (Noteworthy Matches & Thoughts)

The IBJJF European Championships may not have been packed full with as many household names as we might see at Worlds or Pan but there were plenty of great, high level competitors that filled the brackets last weekend.  From what I have gathered there were some great matches and definitely some notables.
  • Terere returned to competition and loses a controversial DQ (knee reap) against Claudio Calasans in the Middle weight Final.
From GracieMag: 

Alan Do Nascimento just brought the venue to tears. After conceding the win to Fernando Tererê in their middleweight match, he handed Fernando Tererê his black belt. He later explained his actions: Fernando Tererê made what I am in Jiu-Jitsu. He taught me since the white belt. This belt, he gave one day and asked for 5 reais and I knew it he was going to buy crack. I told him then that I was going to give him back the belt when when he got back on his feet. There's no better moment than that! I will sleep filled with joy and proud today!"
  • This was the first IBJJF tournament that both the Miyao brothers competed at Brown belt
  • Team Lloyd Irvin came in 2nd place overall team points in a gi tournament
  • Leo Nogueira (Alliance) takes the black belt Absolute
  • Mackenzie Dern wins her first title at black belt
  • Joao Miyao choked unconscious by Keenan
Just a quick review of the team results from over the weekend.

1 - Alliance - 105
2 - Team Lloyd Irvin - 71
3 - Gracie Barra - 64 

1 - CheckMat - 71
2 - Alliance - 65
3 - Gracie Barra - 44 

1 - Gracie Barra - 27
2 - Frontline Academy - 16
3 - Icon Jiu-Jitsu Team - 15 

1 - Gracie Barra - 245
2 - Alliance - 156
3 - CheckMat - 131 

1 - Gracie Barra - 42
2 - Nova União - 31
3 - CheckMat - 30 

Notable divisions:

Brown Adult Male


FIRSTJoão Ricardo Bordignon Miyao -PSLPB Cicero Costha
SECONDNicolas Gallard -Gracie Barcelona
THIRDAlysson Gustavo Da Cunha Miranda -Nova União
THIRDAdam Adshead -Combat Base UK


FIRSTPaulo Henrique Bordignon Miyao -PSLPB Cicero Costha
SECONDGianni P Grippo -Gracie Elite Team America
THIRDWojciech Piekut -Gracie Barra
THIRDTuomas Kristian Tammilehto -Brasa


FIRSTKeenan Kai-James Cornelius -Team Lloyd Irvin
SECONDBruno Ferreira Cuppari -Brasa
THIRDTomasz Skórkowski -Atos JJ International
THIRDAJ Agazarm -Gracie Barra

Open Class

FIRSTKeenan Kai-James Cornelius -Team Lloyd Irvin
SECONDJoão Ricardo Bordignon Miyao -PSLPB Cicero Costha
THIRDPaulo Henrique Bordignon Miyao -PSLPB Cicero Costha
THIRDChristopher Bowe -Gracie Barra

BLACK - Adult - Male


FIRSTBrandon Mullins -Gracie Barra
SECONDKoji Shibamoto -Tri-Force Jiu-Jitsu Academy
THIRDJordy A. Jean Antoon Peute -Gracie Barra
THIRDTakahito Yoshioka -Tokushima BJJ


FIRSTLaercio Fernandes -Alliance
SECONDCarlos Vieira Holanda -CheckMat
THIRDThomas Lincoln Correa Lisboa -Alliance
THIRDAndre Carvalho Monteiro -BJJ Revolution Team


FIRSTRubens Charles Maciel -Alliance
SECONDAugusto Lopes Mendes -Soul Fighters BJJ
THIRDOsvaldo Augusto Honorio Moizinho -Institute of Martial Arts - Caio Terra
THIRDEduardo Ramos da Silva -Atos Jiu-Jitsu


FIRSTMichael Josef Russell -Mauricio Gomes Origin BJJ Team
SECONDVinícius Tavares Marinho -GF Team
THIRDGabriel Rodrigues A. Goulart -Alliance
THIRDMaxime Silvére Olivier -CheckMat


FIRSTClaudio Calasans Camargo Júnior -Atos Jiu-Jitsu
SECONDFernando Augusto da Silva -Alliance
THIRDMathias Fernandes Ribeiro -Alliance
THIRDAlan Douglas Pereira do Nascimento -CheckMat


FIRSTRômulo Claudio Barral -Gracie Barra
SECONDRodrigo Fajardo -Gracie Barra
THIRDRenato Guimaraes Cardoso -CheckMat
THIRDVitor Fabio Martins Toledo -Atos Jiu-Jitsu


FIRSTDimitrius Soares Souza -Alliance
SECONDLeonardo da Costa Maciel -GF Team
THIRDFabiano Junior Leite de Souza -Alliance
THIRDMarcelo da Silva Bernardo -United BJJ


FIRSTBernardo Augusto Rocha de Faria -Alliance
SECONDLucio Furtado Rodrigues -Gracie Barra
THIRDMauricio Henrique Cristo Lima -PSLPB Cicero Costha
THIRDFilippi Soto Mattos -Barbosa JJ


FIRSTAlexander Riis Hilligsoe Trans -CheckMat
SECONDRodrigo Henrique Cavaca -CheckMat
THIRDJosé Ferreira da Silva Júnior -UAE Jiu-jitsu Team
THIRDLeonardo Pires Nogueira -Alliance

Open Class

FIRSTLeonardo Pires Nogueira -Alliance
SECONDBernardo Augusto Rocha de Faria -Alliance
THIRDAlexander Riis Hilligsoe Trans -CheckMat
THIRDClaudio Calasans Camargo Júnior -
Atos Jiu-Jitsu

Keenan Cornelius vs Paulo Miyao (Absolute Semi-Finals)

At the 4:35 mark, Keenan attempts a toe-hold which he abandons and momentarily gives up his back.   P.Miyao defends the foot lock well and inverts moving towards his back.  P.Miyao only manages to get one hook in and Kennan double underhooks that same leg and forces P.Miyao back to his guard.  Very well defended and not often that we see Keenan in this kind of trouble against a fellow brown belt.  Even once they land in the guard, there is a brief moment P.Miyao may have been able to work to the back again with Keenan's left arm so heavily committed across his body but he cuts off that opportunity by posting his left foot and shutting down that option.

At the 6:37 mark Keenan is standing, P.Miyao on his back playing open guard during a restart.  Keenan steps his right foot onto  the inside left knee of P.Miyao, slightly passes the right foot of P.Miyao to the side and drops down beating P.Miyao's hip to pass the guard.  Very fast and surprising guard pass!  The match was essentially won here for Keenan and this was a fantastic match in my opinion.  I realize that the double guard pull, fighting for grips and attempted Berimbolo game isn't everyones cup of tea but this is some high level stuff and the entire fight didn't remain in this position.

Keenan Cornelius vs Joao Miyao (Absolute Final)

Cobrinha vs Osvaldo Augusto (Feather Semi-Final)

Cobrinha vs Tanquinho (Feather Final)

Paulo Miyao vs Gianni Grippo (Feather Semi-Final)

Terere vs Claudio Calasans (Middleweight Final)

This was a very disappointing match.  Everyone was happy and excited to see Terere back in the competition scene and off the street.  There is some debate as to what exactly happened during this match, whether he had already been warned for the knee reap prior to the eventual DQ or immediately DQ'd without warning.  It appeared to me that he had already been in violation of the knee reap rule well before the match was finally stopped.  Very anticlimactic finish to what could have been a great match.

Brandon Mullins vs Koji Shibamoto (Rooster Final)

The complete results can be found here:


  1. Hey man, thanks for putting these all in one spot, and for the link from Sherdog. I can't believe Joao went to sleep, it looked like he wasn't giving up on the foot unless he went to sleep. And then the Wolverine match, that was an explosive triangle. I wonder if that was purposely set up from what, an almost de la riva position or something?

    Also, why are there no comments here yet? This is big.

  2. Thank you for the kind words! It seemed to me that Keenan had trapped his foot behind him and Miyao couldn't escape. Once he had the position the ezikiel was on! Brandon Mullins has such long, lanky legs it did seem like he was waiting to trap with the triangle. Very fast transition from the DLR guard.

    My blog is relatively new. It gets a decent amount of traffic for posts like this one. I think most people that viewed this particular thread left their discussion in the Sherdog thread. Thank you for reading!
